The National Policy on Anti-Corruption

Corruption is a scourge that has continued to grow over the years in Zambia. It robs the nation of resources needed to deliver essential services to the people and develop the country. To provide a framework for preventing and combating corruption in a comprehensive, coordinated and inclusive manner, Government, in 2009, developed the first National Anti-Corruption Policy (NACP). During the implementation of the Policy, various legal and institutional reforms were undertaken. Corruption, however, continues to be a pervasive problem in Zambia. Left unchecked, corruption has a serious negative impact on the rule of law, national security and the quality of life, particularly for the poor and vulnerable groups.
Government has, therefore, laid down a clear agenda for an inclusive fight against corruption and is fully committed to the principle of “Zero Tolerance to Corruption”, in all its forms. Government’s anti-corruption agenda focuses on effective prevention of corruption by sealing opportunities for corruption, increasing transparency, accountability and oversight in the conduct of public affairs. This Policy builds on the 2009 NACP. It aims to enhance transparency, accountability and control of corruption prone areas in the public and private sector.
This Policy aims to strengthen institutional capacities, co-ordination and collaboration among law enforcement agencies, private sector and the civil society. Support to the Law Enforcement Agencies, the Judicature and Oversight Institutions will be cardinal to enable them efficiently and effectively curb corruption and other related crimes. The Policy also recognises the critical role of courts in anti-corruption by supporting the Judiciary to efficiently preside over corruption, financial and economic related matters. It also takes into account areas relating to: unexplained wealth; recovery of stolen assets, beneficial ownership; lifestyle audits, declaration of assets and liabilities as well as corporate governance.
Further, through this Policy, the country will continue to uphold its commitments and obligations to fighting corruption at both regional and international levels by ensuring that the country’s anti-corruption initiatives meet international standards and best practices.
Finally, the Policy takes an inclusive and participative approach to fighting corruption to ensure that we cut the chain of corruption as a nation and achieve “Zero tolerance to Corruption”, in all its forms, past, present and future. I, therefore, call upon all Zambians and our partners to join hands with Government in preventing and combating corruption.

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