By Bright ChizondeIn the Wednesday 27th October issue of the News Diggers, the editorial comment raised questions on Transparency International Zambia’s support for the amnesty extended to Faith Musonda under the headline “Money Heist and the Sleepy Law Enforcement.” TI-Z would like to rebuttal the editorial comments in order to provide answers to the key...Continue Reading
In the Wednesday 27th October issue of the News Diggers, the editorial comment raised questions on Transparency International Zambia’s apparent support for the amnesty extended to Faith Musonda under the headline “Money Heist and the Sleepy Law Enforcement.” TI-Z would like to respond in order to provide answers to the key questions raised in the...Continue Reading
TI Zambia seeks to achieve Transparency, accountability and integrity in the COVID-19 emergency response through two projects:– Transparency and Accountability in the COVID-19 Response in Zambia (TRA_C19)– Transparency, Accountability and Equity in Vaccine Distribution (TRAE-C19VD)Watch the LaunchContinue Reading