The Zambia Bribe Payers Index (ZBPI) Survey is jointly conducted by Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)I, and is undertaken in selected districts of the country. The Bribe Payers Index is a corruption measurement tool developed by Transparency International – Zambia. The Zambia Bribe Payers Index (ZBPI) measures the likelihood of an individual having a bribery experience when seeking a public service or good in a public or private sector institution; the amount involved in the exchange that induces an act that illegally circumvents the prescribed or expected procedures of accessing a service or good ; consequences of failing or refusing to pay a bribe that is demanded; and, factors that lead to paying a bribe. The survey also provides individuals’ perceptual and experiential Observations on governance and corruption, and on stakeholder anti-corruption actions. Ultimately, the purpose Of the ZBPI is provision Of an empirical evidence-base that helps stakeholders to design and implement appropriate anti-corruption interventions as it identifies services and sectors where bribery is most experienced; and, consequent areas Of advocacy for participation, transparency and accountability.
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