
July 25, 2024
There is no easy definition of corruption. The word ‘corruption’ is itself often used as an omnibus term to describe inordinate economic and political practices that benefit those involved.1 When narrowly defined, it is often used to characterize the misuse of public resources by government officials for private ends, thus leaving out corruption in the...
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Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Zambia have been advocates of good governance. As a result, they have been involved in several initiatives aimed at fighting corruption. This summary information is intended to be a complementary tool to their anticorruption activities and initiatives. It contains five chapters.The following are some sources CSOs could use to get...
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By Bright ChizondeOn Thursday, 6 June 2024, the World Bank Zambia country office launched the Zambia Country Economic Memorandum under the theme “Unlocking Productivity and Economic Transformation for Better Jobs.” As part of the report, the World Bank conducted a comprehensive economic diagnosis of the economic growth performance of Zambia during the period 2001 to...
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Transparency International Zambia – Background Information  TI-Z is a local chapter of the global civil society movement Transparency International. It is a non-profit making non-governmental organization with a registered office in Lusaka; dedicated towards the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency, integrity, accountability and generally good governance in the discharge of public functions....
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