Institutional 2022 National Budget Analysis Report

TI-Z is a local chapter of the global civil society movement Transparency International, which is dedicated to the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency, integrity, accountability and generally good governance in the discharge of public functions. TI-Z is a non-profit making non-governmental organization with a registered office in Lusaka and has been in existence since June 2000. TI-Z as a national chapter abides by the guiding principles of TI globally but has adopted its own vision, mission and core values to guide its operations. The main goal of TI-Z is to contribute to the reduction of corruption through promotion of good governance in Zambia with the vision of a Zambia anchored on citizens and institutions of integrity.

As an organization, TI-Z has three operational programmes namely, the People Engagement and Advocacy Programme (PEAP), Democracy and Governance (DG) programme and the Environment and Natural Resource Governance (ENRG) programme. In addition, TI-Z has commenced implementing a project on strengthening accountability networks among civil society (SANCUS) project as well as two Covid-19 related projects namely, Transparency and Accountability in the Covid-19 response (TRA_C19) and Transparency, Accountability and Equity in the Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution (TRAE-C19VD

Each of these programmes and projects have particular objectives which contribute towards the overall focus of the organisation. The strategic objectives of these programmes and projects are as follows:
PEAP: Empowered people demanding for and taking action against corruption
DG: Enhanced Policy and Legal Frameworks, Institutional Processes and Structures as well as Compliance and Enforcement Mechanisms that Promote Good Governance
ENRG: Improved Environmental and Natural Resource Governance for improved livelihoods
Institutionally, TI-Z recognizes that the 2022 Zambia National Budget has implications for each of its operational programmes and projects. This calls for an in-depth analysis of the budget to delve into its context, the changes in the budget and the implications the 2022 budget will have for the institution and for the nation at large. Thus, this budget analysis will follow this format:
 Macroeconomic analysis
 The budget process
 Democratic governance, anti-corruption and governance issues
 People engagement and accountability
 Environment and natural resource governance
The budget and COVID-19 response in Zambia

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