Transparency International Zambia(TI-Z) and Alliance for Community Action(ACA) MoU Signing Ceremony.

TI-Z’s mission is to actively contribute to Zambia’s sustainable development by promoting a culture of integrity, good governance, and zero tolerance to corruption at all levels. We are cognizant of the fact that this mission is big and cannot in all honesty be achieved by one single organisation or entity. In that regard, we have always been alive to the need for concerted efforts in order to give ourselves a better chance at winning the fight against corruption and promoting good governance in Zambia. It is that belief that underpins our desire to collaborate with like-minded civil society organisations such as the ACA in a bid to contribute to the greater quest for accountability, integrity and good governance at all levels of Zambian society.
This MoU is therefore important for several reasons. First, it will enhance TI-Z’s collective efforts to combat corruption in Zambia by providing support to victims of corruption and ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice. Secondly, it will promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in our public institutions, which are essential for sustainable development. Thirdly, it will promote active citizenship and citizens’ activism in demanding transparency, accountability, and integrity from their leaders and service providers.
Through our Active Citizenship focus area, TI-Z has been working towards addressing the systemic causes of corruption and advocating for appropriate measures to support victims of corruption. We believe that community action, citizens’ activism, and reporting of grievances against service delivery malpractices are essential in demanding transparency, accountability, and integrity from leaders and service providers.

Read the speech made by TI-Z’s Execeutive Director and Details of the ceremony by clicking the download buttons below

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