TI-Z Welcomes the Appointment of the ACC Deputy Director General

TI-Z wishes to express its delight at the appointment of Mrs Monica Chipanta Mwansa as Deputy Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission. We believe that this appointment is not only timely, but will also help to fortify the ACC’s capabilities in the fight against corruption across all sectors of society, not to mention the enhancement of the operational efficiency of the Commission.
The appointment of a Deputy Director General of the experience and expertise such as Mrs Mwansa has is a commendable step forward. Mrs Mwansa, who has a proven track record of integrity and dedication to anti-corruption efforts, is not only an advocate of all the courts of Zambia, having practiced at the Zambian Bar for over 14 years, but also possesses experience in criminal litigation and research, among other things. TI-Z is of the considered belief that this appointment will yield substantial improvements in that it will enhance the Commission’s robust leadership, facilitating better guidance and direction for its dedicated staff. Our hope is that this will pave the way for a more coordinated and strategic approach to addressing corruption. It is our further hope that Mrs Mwansa’s expertise in anti-corruption strategies and policies will inject fresh insights and innovative solutions into the Commission’s operations.
We look forward to our continued collaboration with the entire ACC leadership as they continue to lead the fight against corruption in Zambia.

Maurice K. Nyambe (Mr.)

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