Speech by EU Ambassador Karolina Stasiak

Transparency International Anti-Corruption Conference, Kitwe


26 November 2024


(Protocol to be revised)

Ladies and gentlemen,


It is a great honour to be here with you today at the Zambia Anti-Corruption Conference in Kitwe.

This conference reflects our shared commitment to fight corruption, a scourge that undermines governance, erodes public trust, and impedes sustainable development.

Let me begin by commending the Government of the Republic of Zambia for the launch of the National Policy on Anti-Corruption in May 2024.

This policy outlines a clear and strategic framework for combating corruption across the country. It reflects a strong determination to address this complex and deeply rooted challenge, and is a positive step toward creating a transparent and accountable governance system.

In addition, I am also encouraged by the steps made towards the revision of the Anti-Corruption Act. A strong legal framework is critical for empowering institutions, fostering their independence and ensuring that the fight against corruption is both effective and sustainable through impartial accountability mechanisms.

The European Union has been a steadfast supporter of this process with Germany, through our joint ENACT program that totals over 26 million euro, and we believe that the revised Act has the potential to bring about substantial and meaningful changes.

While significant progress has been made in strengthening regulations to address corruption, it is clear that this alone is not enough. New regulations must be implemented effectively, and adequate resources must be dedicated to the resulting reforms to ensure that these legal changes translate into tangible improvements within the sector.

Only through decisive action and sustained investment can we bridge the gap between policy and practice, delivering real impact for the benefit of all.

Our commitment to supporting Zambia in this fight is unwavering. Since 2021, the EU has established a 2 million euro peer-to-peer support project with the Anti-Corruption Commission, implemented by European public institutions from Finland and Germany.

Through this partnership with European public sector experts, we support the ACC’s efforts to enhance its management and technical capacity while fostering stronger collaboration with other institutions engaged in the fight against corruption.

A robust and independent Anti-Corruption Commission is the cornerstone of an effective fight against corruption. In this regard, we hope that a fully operational Board and substantive Director General will be in place soon to continue this important work.

Beyond legal reforms, we recognize the importance of addressing financial corruption at its root. To further these efforts, I am pleased to announce that the EU is preparing a new budget of 1.4 million euro dedicated to combating illegal financial flows and supporting inter-agency coordination in Zambia.

Our effort to support the Government fight against corruption includes also supporting the Government National Land Audit and the support to the creation of a transparent and accessible information system on land that will help in making land transitions more efficient and transparent.

Furthermore, our work with the Government on improving the business environment includes also supporting the e-governance effort in digitalising the business registration and the licencing processes, thus reducing opportunities for collusion and improving overall monitoring of the services.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As one of Zambia’s most significant economic drivers, mining plays a critical role in the country’s development.

Addressing corruption in this sector is a critical imperative to ensure resources benefit all citizens equitably, unlocking progress, attracting investment, creating employment opportunities, increasing public revenue, and enhancing the well-being of local communities.

In October 2023, the EU and Zambia formalized a Partnership on Critical Raw Materials. This agreement represents a pivotal step in advancing collaboration within Zambia’s mining sector and strengthening its governance framework.

Since then, we have been working to develop and implement a common roadmap that includes:

  • Support to increase the capacity and skills of artisanal miners and encourage their formalization,
  • Improved transparency, through a stronger regulatory framework, open data, corporate accountability and communities’ engagement, are essential for attracting investment and enhancing the business environment, and
  • Support for upholding the highest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards.

The mining sector has enormous potential to contribute to Zambia’s economic growth, but this potential must be realized responsibly.

Together, we will work to enforce environmental laws, protect the rights of local communities, and uphold labor standards to guarantee worker safety. These efforts will not only benefit Zambia’s economy but will also ensure that its resources are managed sustainably and equitably.

In just a couple of weeks, the European Union will host the Raw Materials Week in Brussels, which presents a major opportunity for Zambia to showcase its potential to a European and global audience.

I am delighted that the Minister of Mines will attend this important event, and I am confident that Zambia will make a strong case for investment and collaboration.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance can only succeed with the active participation of civil society.

Civil society organizations play a vital role in monitoring progress, advocating for change, and ensuring that reforms are implemented effectively.

This is why the EU is proud to support Transparency International Zambia, whose work has been instrumental in this domain for many years.

In this context, let me also mention the dialogue that the EU maintains with the private sector organisations to identify areas where illicit practices and luck of regulation enforcement undermine fair competition affecting the development of a strong local private sector and capacity of attracting sustainable and green investments, particularly along mining value chains.


Dear friends,

The European Union believes in Zambia’s potential, and we are committed to walking this journey with you.

Together, we can help build stronger institutions, promote transparency, and foster an environment where corruption has no place.

I wish you all a productive and impactful conference.

Thank you.


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