TI-Z Cautions Against Undermining the Credibility of the Office of The Auditor General

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) notes with concern the recent statement by the Permanent Secretary for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) suggesting that the Auditor General’s report on parastatals is inaccurate, as reported in the News Diggers newspaper recently. Such assertions, if left unchecked, risk eroding the credibility of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG), an institution that plays a pivotal role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and prudent use of public resources.

The Office of the Auditor General performs its important mandate of auditing the public institutions in accordance with the Provisions of Article 250 of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016. The OAG has been following well-established and rigorous audit processes when conducting audits, including the audit of Parastatals. The audit also includes direct engagements with Controlling Officers through the submission of a Management Letter once financial irregularities are identified.  Therefore, the Controlling Officers are given an opportunity to respond, and to provide necessary clarifications and supporting evidence. If the evidence provided sufficiently resolves the noted irregularities, these issues are not included in the final report. Thus, the issues that remain in the published report are those for which sufficient evidence was not provided, or the response was not satisfactory.

It is therefore concerning that certain public officials, including Controlling Officers, have chosen to discredit the OAG, instead of addressing the issues raised in the report. If there is evidence to dispute any of the findings, we question why such evidence was not provided to the Auditor General during the review process. Additionally, those audited will have another opportunity to clarify these matters during the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) sittings, where they can formally provide explanations regarding their financial management practices.

TI-Z urges all Controlling Officers to focus on addressing the financial irregularities highlighted in the report rather than attacking the Auditor General’s office. The role of this institution is crucial to upholding accountability in public financial management and ensuring that resources allocated to various ministries, departments, and agencies are utilized effectively for national development. Undermining the integrity of the Auditor General’s work weakens this horizontal accountability mechanism and creates an environment where mismanagement and corruption can thrive.

As an organization committed to promoting transparency and good governance, TI-Z will analyze the Auditor General’s recent report on Parastatal Bodies and issue a detailed statement in due course. In the intervening period, we encourage the government, public officials, and all relevant stakeholders to engage with the Audit report in a constructive manner and demonstrate a commitment to accountability and prudent financial management.


Maurice K. Nyambe (Mr.)


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