Analysis of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Administration’s Two Years Performance on Anti-Corruption and Good Governance

    The United Party for National Development (UPND) was elected on a promise of change following a period of sustained economic and good governance decline under the Patriotic Front (PF) administration, during which corruption became entrenched and institutionalized, thereby eroding public trust in governance institutions1, among other effects. As part of their 2021-2026 Manifesto2, the UPND promised to address the obtaining ills through restoring law and order, macroeconomic stability and enhancing the fight against corruption.
    This analysis seeks to evaluate the UPND’s performance and progress during the first 2 years of office, following the August 2021 elections. The analysis focuses on governance and anti-corruption commitments as outlined in the UPND manifesto. Under section 1, sub section 1.1 presents the objectives of the analysis while sub section 1.2 presents the methodology. We present the main analysis on Anti-corruption performance in section 2, the General governance performance in section 3, before concluding with some key recommendations in section 4.
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