
This is report on the launch of the 2020 corruption perception index launched by Transparency International Zambia on 28th January 2021 at Radisson Blue hotel. The programmed for the launch essentially started with highlights on the 2019 CPI results, followed by the 2020 performance and its recommendations. Reactions then followed through a panel discussion which...
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Your Excellency,  We, the undersigned civil society organisations, are writing to you to express our views on the aftermath of the unfortunate events of Wednesday 23rd December 2020, when two of our citizens, Mr. Joseph Kaunda and Mr. Nsama Nsama, were tragically shot dead by the Zambia Police Service. Following your deafening silence in the...
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Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) welcomes the release of the 2019 Auditor General’s report withsome reservations. We are cognizant of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) being of criticalimportance to Zambia’s quest for good public finance management, and while it is commendable thatover the years, the OAG has been consistent in pointing out rampant abuse...
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We have noted with concern recent news articles which suggest impropriety on the part of the Provisional Liquidator for Konkola Copper Mines – Mr. Milingo Lungu. The reported incident involving a transaction of sale of a company called Cashfin to Mr. Lungu on a promise of future KCM supply contracts, if true, is worrying and needs...
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