
October 2, 2024
The Executive Director-Transparency InternationalZambia, Mr. Maurice K. Nyambe;l Representatives of all Development Partners Present;l Senior Government Officials Present;l Members of the Civil Society;l Members of the Press;l Distinguished Guests;l Ladies and Gentlemen.l I am pleased to be here and officiate at the launch of on the GapAnalysis of climate and Carbon Finance Corruption RiskAssessment Report...
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Salutations1. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Dr. Douty Chibamba;2. The Director: Risk Management Ministry of Finance and National Planning Ms. Barabina Mumba;3. The Director: Forest Department, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment4. The Members of Parliament from The Parliamentary Caucus on Environment and Climate Change;5. Other Senior Government Officials who may...
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