
Transparency International Zambia
Background to the OAG, AG’s report and their relevancePublic sector auditing when conducted by supreme audit institutions, remains a significant factor in improving the lives of citizens by focusing the custodians of public resources on how well they utilize those resources (INTOSAI, 2019). According to the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), supreme audit...
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The Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is provided for in Article 162 of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 and is operationalized by the Constituency Development Fund Act No. 11 of 2018. The provisions in these two pieces of legislation provide the legal framework for CDF in collaboration with other laws such...
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TI-Z is a local chapter of the global civil society movement Transparency International, which is dedicated to the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency, integrity, accountability and generally good governance in the discharge of public functions. TI-Z is a non-profit making non-governmental organization with a registered office in Lusaka and has been in...
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Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has noted with disappointment the misleading information shared by Mr. Thabo Kawana, a director and spokesperson at the Ministry of Information and Media. On today’s Red Hot Breakfast Show on Hot FM Radio, Mr. Kawana informed the nation that the K9.885 million contract for the supply of 75 Motor Bikes to...
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