There is wide international consensus that a gender perspective is necessary for the identification and implementation of effective anti-corruption strategies1. A gender perspective can help in the designing of effective anti-corruption mechanisms in order to mitigate the gendered impact of corruption and promote policies that address both gender inequality and corruption2. Like many developing nations,...Continue Reading
SalutationsTransparency International Zambia (TI-Z) welcomes all of you to this Press Briefing, whichrepresents our commemoration of the African Union (AU) Anti-Corruption Day, which falls todaythe 11th of July 2022. The AU Anti-Corruption Day is part of the many interventions and initiativesaimed at placing the spotlight on corruption, with a view to rooting out the vice,...Continue Reading
/Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) welcomes the release of the 2021 trendsanalysis report by the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC). The 2021 report, which wasreleased on Thursday 23rd June 2022, is the 7th trends report to be released since 2014,and covers a critical year in Zambia’s democratic history. The year 2021 is notable dueto the holding of...Continue Reading
Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) wishes to set the record straight concerning thestatement that we issued on 30th May 2022, in which we raised several concerns about Prof.Oliver Saasa and Premier Consult Ltd.Following the meeting that we held with Prof. Saasa and Premier Consult Ltd yesterday and theclarity we gained, it has since come to our...Continue Reading