
Transparency International Zambia
Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) acknowledges the transparency demonstrated by the Government in announcing the supplementary budget amounting to K41.9 billion. This announcement reflects a proactive approach in reallocating resources, in response to current challenges and potentially in response to the utilization patterns observed by Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies (MPSAs).However, TI-Z wishes to raise some...
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Transparency International Zambia and the Embassy of Sweden in Zambia signed a three and a half year partnership agreement this morning at the TI-Z offices in Jesmondine, Lusaka to support TI-Z’s five-year strategy.The Embassy of Sweden has been an all-weather partner and supporter of TI-Z since 2018, and in the last 6 years, has supported...
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Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) is deeply troubled by recent reports detailing the encroachment into Lusaka National Park, allegedly facilitated by collusion between officials from the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and the Lusaka City Council, as revealed in a recent News Diggers publication. Land is a critical resource essential for the survival of both...
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1.0 BACKGROUND.As part of their  efforts to provide empirical evidence on the state of corruption, Transparency International Zambia (herein after referred to as ‘TI-Z’) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (herein after referred to as ‘ACC’) will be conducting the 2024 Zambia Bribe Payers Index (ZBPI) Survey.1.1. INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND1.1.1. TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL ZAMBIATI-Z was established in June 2000...
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